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Find a pantry near you

Stop by a pantry near you to pick up any food or supplies you're in need of.

Give what you can to your local Jill's Pantry and help those in need. Unopen canned food or products that can last outside of refrigerator are what we are looking for. Feel free to donate other products as well like dental kits, school supplies, wet wipes etc.

Please click on the location you'd like to donate to for the address and contact information. Please call ahead at the number for each location for faster service. 

Monroe Elementary edited 
James Monroe Elementary
Monday-Friday: 7:30AM - 3:30PM
cell phone clip art black and white phone hi
(657) 253-0809
Unknown This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call ahead for faster assistance
Roosevelt Elementary Edited 
Roosevelt Elementary
Monday-Friday: 7:30AM - 4:30PM
cell phone clip art black and white phone hi (714) 564-1277 ext. 41277
Unknown Daicy.Cruz@sausd.us
Call ahead for faster assistance
Edison Elementary Edited 
Carl Harvey Elementary
Monday-Friday: 7:30AM - 3:30PM
cell phone clip art black and white phone hi
 (714) 878-6036
Call ahead for faster assistance